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Donald Trump: Lightning in a Bottle

Will Trump Survive Challenges?

Donald J. Trump faces federal charges.

Have we heard accusations against Trump before?

Are prosecutors just throwing more mud on the wall to see what sticks?

Either way … he’s BAAACK!!!!!!!

No, it’s not another Terminator sequel.

He’s been indicted, found liable in a sexual abuse case, seen his Palm Beach home raided by federal agents.

Yet, just like the critters in “whack-a-mole” at the fair, the former president runs once more.

Reporters and political “commentators” scoffed when the “The Apprentice” luminary rode the escalator down in 2015 to announce his run for the highest elective position in the U.S.

But defying the odds and horrifying “pundits” Trump fended off over 15 other GOP presidential hopefuls in debates and other forums, rising to the top and putting together a sort of sorcery pushing him to the top of the heap.

Donald Trump, according to some, discovered lightning in a bottle.

“His rise is not due to his supporters’ anger at government,  It is a gesture of contempt for government, for the men and women in Congress, the White House, the agencies.”

Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal, p. A11, August 1, 2015.

Many observers held a burning desire to tell Trump “You’re Fired!”  At the same time he climbed to the top of the heap offending other candidates, infuriating TV and newspaper people, and affronting others with a force powerful as lightning.

“Bombastic, Ridiculous, Ill-prepared, Belligerent”.

Let’s call Donald Trump names, some of the so called experts seem to think.  Check it out.  These are the opposite of “boring, status quo, smug and spineless”.

Someone who actually put some thought into the race said this:

Meet the new boss.  Same as the old boss.  We have to do something different.  He’s different.  If it doesn’t work we’ll fire him.

Peggy Noonan, WSJ, Aug. 1, 2015.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s presidential primary plays a historic role in selecting Presidents. The Granite State historically hosted the first in the nation presidential primary. New Hampshire residents cast the very first actual ballots at the polls for presidential candidates.

Iowa holds caucuses first.  But caucuses pose an entirely different, more insider-driven process.

In the years I’ve lived in New Hampshire I’ve met Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, both of the George Bushes, John Glenn and many others. I ate lunch in the diner around the corner from one of my offices and Jeb Bush was walking around meeting and greeting, followed by reporters from everywhere.  Ohio Governor John Kasich, in the same diner, walked across the room to come shake my hand.  Unbeknownst to me there were network TV cameras behind my back, shooting in through large glass windows, as people called me saying they had seen me on national TV shaking the candidate’s hand.  This is normal in New Hampshire, no big deal.

Apart from its historic role, New Hampshire’s primary provides a huge boost to our economy. Hotels, restaurants, event halls and many others benefit. More important, we provide candidates the opportunity to meet people face to face to talk to us as individuals, before they’re drawn into the media-only campaigns later.

Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan says Trump’s insult of John McCain didn’t hurt him, not because his supporters hold any dislike of McCain.  Instead, they see it as proof that Trump “will take the bark off anything.”

Country Club Republicans Despise Donald Trump

Sure, candidates like Trump stage media events in New Hampshire. But they also have to meet people in diners, house parties, parades, country fairs and other places. New Hampshire people get to test candidates as actual people. Before the country club Republicans elsewhere pontificate over their martinis deciding whether the candidates are “proper”.

Maybe Trump’s popularity comes due to the fact that we’re in an era when every day someone is offended by something.

Conversely, Trump wakes up every morning not caring who he might offend.

Donald Trump & Art of the Deal

The book by this title provides insight in autobiographical form on Trump. I found it a good read. As the Chicago Sun-Times observed about the book “Like him or hate him-just don’t ignore him”. Another reviewer proclaimed:

“Donald Trump is a deal-maker. He is a deal maker the way lions are carnivores and water is wet.”

The San Diego Union

At a time when far left and far right polarize the political parties and compromise is a bad word, and where the status-quo sweeps problems under the rug, having a deal maker, however brash, fascinates America. Liked or hated.

Why is Donald Trump on a Legal Blog?

The president of the United States is the ultimate law-man. In addition to being ‘commander in chief’ the president carries ultimate authority in executing the laws of the United States under Article II of the U.S. Constitution. The President vetoes laws found to be repugnant, signs the ‘good ones’ and decides which ones get attention and which ones do not.

The President also shapes the law by nominating U.S. Supreme Court justices.  In an almost unprecedented move Trump releases lists of his picks for the top court during the presidential campaign.  In May 2016 he listed 10 possible Supreme Court picks and again in September 2016 he released the names of 10 more people from whom he would select Supreme Court nominees.

When Trump first announced he was running for president most thought he was a summer news story that would fade as the leaves fell off the trees.  But he battled and fought his way through the primaries, starting with New Hampshire’s first in the nation primary.

What will happen to Donald Trump in 2024?

People either love Donald Trump or hate him.  Rarely, people hold no opinion about the man.  Despite wave after wave of opposition, legal challenges, open disgust by TV luminaries and the rest, die hard Trump devotees place him on a pedestal.  His detractors, too, remain oblivious to ups and downs in Trump coverage, instead maintaining a seething burning disgust, if not outright hatred, in their hearts and minds.

Rarely has modern American politics seen a figure who aroused such deep seated feelings.  Having faced lawsuit after allegation after just sheer disgust, it appears Donald J. Trump is not going away.

The author of this article, attorney Andrew D. Myers, has practiced personal injury law in Massachusetts and New Hampshire for over 25 years and is also a former TV reporter/producer.  He once kept Jimmy Carter waiting for 25 minutes in the reception area of a New Hampshire radio station because Carter arrived unannounced.

If you have been injured through no fault of your own in a motor vehicle accident or other accident contact our office now.  No wait.


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Andrew Myers

Attorney Myers is a member of the American Association For Justice, Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys, New Hampshire Association For Justice, National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys & Rotary International. Legal services provided in Massachusetts (MA) and New Hampsire (NH).

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