Attorney Andrew D. Myers provides personal service and is your advocate for settlement or court. Don’t waste another day wondering whether or not you need legal counsel – contact us today and find out how we can help!

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Student Loan Debt: Will Bankruptcy Law Ease?

7 years ago

Student loan debt nags at over 44 million Americans facing a total of 1.48 trillion dollars in student loans.  14%…

Hit & Run: Leaving the Scene of an Accident.

7 years ago

Question: I backed into another car at the mall parking lot and dented it. I know I should have left…

Seatbelts: Why Do We Have to Wear Them?

7 years ago

Seatbelts raise little controversy. Many people buckle-up without thinking much about it. Others wonder why we wear seatbelts, what actual…

What Causes Most Car Accidents?

7 years ago

You're driving along at full highway speed. Music plays. Thoughts wander from that project at work to weekend plans. Seems…

Driving High: Are Pot Smokers Causing More Accidents?

7 years ago

As more and more states legalize recreational marijuana, debate rages on about driving high and its effects. Can people drive…

Head-On Collisions: Is Finding Fault As Easy As It Might Seem?

7 years ago

Head-on collisions top the list of motor vehicle accidents, with a fatality rate second only to intersection accidents. These accidents…

Truck Accidents – How to Handle Issues after a Collision

7 years ago

Tractor trailer truck accidents conjure up nightmares for probably every driver.  Most drivers proceed with great caution around big rigs…

TV Lawyers Dominate the Airwaves: Are they Right For You?

7 years ago

TV lawyers blanket the airwaves. It seems like you can't watch TV for more than a minute without seeing a…

Buying Car Insurance: The Basics

8 years ago

After a car accident is no time to learn about buying car insurance. But it's after a car accident that…

Bad Driving: What America’s Drivers are Doing Behind the Wheel

8 years ago

If you think people's bad driving habits are getting worse and worse each day, you're right. All you have to…