Student loan debt nags at over 44 million Americans facing a total of 1.48 trillion dollars in student loans. 14%…
Question: I backed into another car at the mall parking lot and dented it. I know I should have left…
Seatbelts raise little controversy. Many people buckle-up without thinking much about it. Others wonder why we wear seatbelts, what actual…
You're driving along at full highway speed. Music plays. Thoughts wander from that project at work to weekend plans. Seems…
As more and more states legalize recreational marijuana, debate rages on about driving high and its effects. Can people drive…
Head-on collisions top the list of motor vehicle accidents, with a fatality rate second only to intersection accidents. These accidents…
Tractor trailer truck accidents conjure up nightmares for probably every driver. Most drivers proceed with great caution around big rigs…
TV lawyers blanket the airwaves. It seems like you can't watch TV for more than a minute without seeing a…
After a car accident is no time to learn about buying car insurance. But it's after a car accident that…
If you think people's bad driving habits are getting worse and worse each day, you're right. All you have to…