Today we look at the ten worst intersections in Massachusetts.
This is according to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. The big old D.O.T.. They took a look at accident statistics, fatal accidents, bodily injury accidents, property damage, accidents at all of the intersections in Massachusetts. And they rated the top 200 worst, accident prone intersections in the entire state of Massachusetts.
This study only looked at standard traditional four way intersections, Y intersections and T intersections which cause T-Bone crashes. So they only looked at standard traditional intersections and they excluded rotaries. And they also excluded those areas where interstate exit and entrance ramps all come together. So the study only looks at intersections.
The 10th worst intersection in Massachusetts
We’re looking at an overhead view of Saint James Avenue and Saint James Boulevard in Springfield. That four way intersection is just to the right or the east of why intersection just below an x-shaped intersection with a number of commercial businesses. It’s not hard to see how drivers can get confused in that area in the study period. There. 460 accidents at this intersection.
Intersection 9 is in Chelsea
Broadway and Third Street, not far from the Mystic River Bridge. Look at this. The intersection is one of the main intersections in Chelsea, a busy little town. Yet look how narrow it is. There were 470 crashes at this intersection during the study period
Intersection number 8
We go to Holyoke and the intersection of High Street and Cabot Street. Look how open that is. I can just see people speeding through. There were 477 accidents at this intersection during that time period. Involved.
The 7th worst intersection in Massachusetts is Main Street at Plainfield Street in Springfield.
The reason we’re screening the map view is to show how Plainfield comes in at an angle into a four way intersection, plus the complicating factor of a nearby exit ramp from Interstate 291. It’s just a traffic nightmare. There were 479 crashes at this location during the study period.
The 6th worst intersection in Massachusetts is in Stoughton at Pleasant Street and Lincoln Street
These are two relatively major three streets. I can see people coming into this intersection at a high speed, maybe not paying attention and despite the fact it’s relatively open, they were 491 accidents during that study period.
Number 5 is in Lowell
The intersection of Appleton Street and Central Street. As the name might imply, this is one of the central areas in Lowell. It is one block away from the main downtown artery of Middlesex and green streets and near a curved feeder speedway, also known as Veterans Way.It’s a mishmash of different urban streets. Just as an aside, the first time I ever went to Lowell many, many years ago for a summer job, I got lost at this very intersection and I gave up and parked at an adjoining parking lot and walked to the job interview. So I can see other people unfamiliar with Lowell being lost and confused. And that’s not a good situation for accidents. In fact, there were 592 accidents here during the study period.
Now we’re seeing Ash Street and West Elm Street in Brockton. This is the fourth worst Massachusetts intersection.
Look at that row of hedges right up to the intersection. Speaking of obstructions, possibly preventing a clear view of traffic. And also notice on the opposite side of the intersection, a rock wall is also right up to the meeting point of the streets. Were to buy Abilify online? There were 636 accidents at this intersection during the time period of the study. Okay, We were talking about Boston a minute ago.
Intersection number three takes us to Morton and Harvard Streets in Boston.
It’s not far from Blue Hill Avenue and American Legion Highway, two of the main thoroughfares in that section of Boston. Notice the shade there. Those buildings are right up against the street in this congested area. Cast a shadow which could cause vision problems as a driver’s eyes adjust and readjust to bright sun and then shade a total of 644 accidents at this Boston intersection.
The second worst intersection takes us just to the south of Boston in Milton at Randolph Avenue and Chickatawbet
These are two Parkway type roads with a lot of traffic through that area. South of the city itself. With those parkway speeds and through traffic’s thinking they can just keep going. This location saw 660 accidents during the time of the study.
The number one worst intersection in Massachusetts?
Guess what? If you haven’t given up yet, I am standing at the intersection of Veterans four and Parkway, VFW Parkway and Route 38 and 110, and also Bridge Street in Lowell. I’m just outside of Lowell, Massachusetts, in the beautiful Merrimack Valley, which unfortunately gets the undeserved title of the worst intersection in the entire state.
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