Personal Injury

Rotaries, Roundabouts, Traffic Circles. Confused?
Traffic circles, rotaries and roundabouts. Is there a difference? Does the distinction blur as drivers zoom into them regardless of any rules? Traffic circles designed decades ago when there was far less traffic strain to handle heavy traffic that exist now. Newer roundabouts sometimes surprise drivers who scratch their heads […]

Bollards: Are You Safe
Bollards: Are you safe? Was there even a time when you never heard about vehicles plowing into buildings? If a driver crashes into a building, how in hell is the building owner responsible? Hingham, Massachusetts. November, 2022. A car drives full speed into the Apple Store, killing one man, injuring […]

Always Get a Receipt
Always get a receipt. Always check your receipt. Call me whatever you want. But always get a receipt whenever you buy anything. Gas. Takeout. Convenience store quickie items. Even when you go to a bar. I know, you go to the gas pump, fill the tank and just want to […]

Donald Trump: Lightning in a Bottle
Donald J. Trump faces federal charges. Have we heard accusations against Trump before? Are prosecutors just throwing more mud on the wall to see what sticks? Either way … he’s BAAACK!!!!!!! No, it’s not another Terminator sequel. He’s been indicted, found liable in a sexual abuse case, seen his Palm […]

Speeding: Higher Accident Risk and More Severe Injuries
The summer season kicks off with a motorcyclist speeding towards the beach at 171 miles per hour. What? Sunday May 21, 2023, New Hampshire state police clock a motorcycle at 120 headed towards Hampton Beach. By the time they stop him the cyclist’s speed hit … yes you read it […]

Drink less – Stress Less?
Drink less, stress less? Anyone can drink a lot. It takes real talent to drink less. Or not at all. You know what I’m talking about. Go to a party and the host offers drinks. You say no and “are you sure?” “No, really, are you sure?” Teens and college […]

Does clicking an “I Agree” checkbox create a binding contract?
When you click an “I Agree” checkbox is it a binding contract? Whether you’re signing up for a new computer app, joining a social media platform or doing almost anything else on the web, it’s likely you can’t get there without passing an “I Agree” or “Confirm” checkbox. Somewhere, whether […]

Which is the most dangerous highway in America?
The most dangerous highway in America. That dubious distinction brings with it some heavy notoriety, considering the risks drivers face every day. Every time you get in a car to head out on the highways, you face a one out of 366 chance of getting into an accident. Those odds […]

Alarming Highway Accident Trends
Alarming highway accident trends fill statistical reports and hospital emergency rooms. Anyone who drives sees the worst in human conduct. Cars weave in and out of lanes. Drivers blow stop signs. Traffic approaching yield signs play chicken, who can push past first? “Lane Ends – Merge” signs goad bad drivers […]