Tag: free initial consulation

Bad Drivers: The Worst States, The Worst Habits
Bad drivers clog the highways everywhere. Three states topping the national list of awful drivers with bad records exist in New England. Step aside, New York. Three New England states fill out the top five slots in a nationwide ranking of states with bad drivers. In a study updated in […]

Bodily Injury Settlements After an Accident
Question about bodily injury settlements: “I was injured in an auto accident five months ago. I was not at fault and the person that caused the accident has no car insurance. At this point my chiropractor just released me after treating neck and back soft tissue injuries. The chiropractor’s notes […]

New Hampshire Car Insurance
New Hampshire stands alone as the only state in the U.S. not requiring car insurance. That’s right, while most states like neighboring Massachusetts mandate auto insurance before you can even register a car, New Hampshire never passed a law making car insurance obligatory. Maybe it’s the “Live Free or Die” […]

Collection Lawsuits and Bankruptcy
Collection lawsuits annoy those who receive court papers. People don’t want to get in debt. The time, energy and cost of answering court papers can boggle the mind. When one of your creditors sues you in small claims court or any other court you must appear and you must file […]