Tag: serious accidents

Speeding: Higher Accident Risk and More Severe Injuries
The summer season kicks off with a motorcyclist speeding towards the beach at 171 miles per hour. What? Sunday May 21, 2023, New Hampshire state police clock a motorcycle at 120 headed towards Hampton Beach. By the time they stop him the cyclist’s speed hit … yes you read it […]

Ignoring Traffic Signs: It Happens That Much?
Ignoring traffic signs happens more often than it should. Have you ever seen a driver blow through a stop sign and it ticks you off? What about drivers like the one in the picture taking a left turn despite a clearly marked “no left turn” sign? In that scenario as […]

Drowsy Driving: 5 Reasons Driving Without Enough Sleep Can Be as Dangerous as Drunk Driving
One in five fatal car accidents is caused by drowsy drivers. Drowsy driving causes over 100,000 U.S. crashes a year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. An estimated 1,550 deaths and 71,000 injuries link back to drowsy driving in the U.S. every year. Physicians believe that losing one […]