Tag: automatic stay

Collection Lawsuits and Bankruptcy
Collection lawsuits annoy those who receive court papers. People don’t want to get in debt. The time, energy and cost of answering court papers can boggle the mind. When one of your creditors sues you in small claims court or any other court you must appear and you must file […]

Debt Collectors and Bankruptcy Violations
Debt collectors must stop after a bankruptcy filing or they commit one of several bankruptcy violations. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a chapter 7, chapter 13 or other chapter. The filing of a bankruptcy creates what is called an automatic stay. Collection stops because the U.S. Bankruptcy Code imposes the automatic stay with […]

Should I File Bankruptcy? What Basics Should be Considered?
Should I file bankruptcy? Just the thought can overwhelm. Mountains of debt, collections and other pressing issues bring the issue into view, requiring a look at pros and cons. First, calculate how long it will take to pay off your debts. Throw all credit cards in a drawer. Figure how […]