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Top 10 Most Dangerous Intersections in New Hampshire

Top 10 Most Dangerous Intersections in NH
Intersection of Route 28 and Main Street in Salem, New Hampshire, one of 10 most dangerous intersections in NH.

Dangerous intersections appear seemingly everywhere. Of the ten most dangerous intersections in New Hampshire identified by the state Department of Transportation, two are in Manchester, three in Nashua and two in the state capital, Concord.

Transportation experts say many factors make intersections dangerous, not just the number of crashes. Other factors include poor traffic signal configuration. Out of date design features include ramps and shoulders built decades ago.

But DOT observers also note that even good intersections with well-defined line markings, well-placed signals and other current specifications still see frequent motor vehicle accidents. The reason: bad driver behavior.

Bad Driver Behavior –Negligence

Observers commenting on the top ten list of dangerous intersections say the roadway can’t be blamed when drivers texting, eating and distracted in other ways simply don’t pay attention. One comment pointed to the habit of some bad drivers who see a yellow light hundreds of feet away and gun the accelerator, speeding through the intersection after the signal goes red

Negligent drivers cause accidents in streets and highways good and bad. Suing the state or locality for a bad road might seem a good idea to some, but rarely does this tactic yield any result due to many factors. This is largely but not entirely due to laws providing immunity to the government.

Think twice before even thinking of giving a statement to an insurance company after a collision. Saying it wasn’t the other guy’s fault because of the bad intersection, I’ve heard it, fuels the insurance company’s decision it wasn’t their person’s fault. In insurance company lingo, they’ll say their driver’s bad conduct was a condition and not the cause of the accident. Loopholes like these are why it makes sense to see a legal professional, such as a League City injury attorney, for advice when planning a lawsuit.

Top Ten Most Dangerous Intersections in New Hampshire

  1. Hudson: Routes 111 & 3A.
  2. Tilton: US Route 3 & NH 140 at the I-93 North Exit 20 ramp.
  3. Nashua: Main & Canal Streets.
  4. Nashua: Nashua: Main Street & Route 111.
  5. Salem: Route 28 & Main Street.
  6. Concord: Loudon Rd. & D’Amonte Drive at Steeplegate Mall.
  7. Manchester: Bridge & Beech Streets.
  8. Concord: Loudon Road & Fort Eddy Road – I-93 North, Exit 14 off-ramp.
  9. Nashua: Main Street at East & West Hollis Streets.
  10. Manchester: Beech Street & Cilley Road.

What Does it Mean?

Decaying infrastructure and roads designed for traffic 100 years ago present dangers, sometimes contributing to catastrophic injuries. But every driver who gets behind the wheel takes on a duty to operate the vehicle reasonably safely. They breach that duty by ignoring road conditions, blasting through intersections and otherwise causing harm.

It’s smart knowing in advance where bad intersections lurk. But, if there’s an accident, it wasn’t the road that caused it. More likely a driver failed to meet the duty to drive reasonably under all circumstances.

For the 10 most dangerous intersections in Massachusetts click here.

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Attorney Myers is a member of the American Trial Lawyers Association, Massachusetts Academy of Trial Lawyers, and New Hampshire Trial Lawyers Association. The Law Offices of Andrew D. Myers offer a broad range of legal services in personal injury cases in Massachusetts (MA) and New Hampshire (NH) areas.

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