Author: Andrew Myers

Hit & Run: Leaving the Scene of an Accident.
Question: I backed into another car at the mall parking lot and dented it. I know I should have left a note with my info but I didn’t. I just left. How much trouble could I get into for leaving the scene? Answer: Leaving the scene of an accident, even […]

Seatbelts: Why Do We Have to Wear Them?
Seatbelts raise little controversy. Many people buckle-up without thinking much about it. Others wonder why we wear seatbelts, what actual purpose is served and why we don’t have the option to buckle up or not. Such questions present fair and important issues. The answers lie in safety concerns. Extensive research and studies prove […]

What Causes Most Car Accidents?
You’re driving along at full highway speed. Music plays. Thoughts wander from that project at work to weekend plans. Seems like nothing could go wrong. The suddenly, bam. Car accidents kill 38,000 people in the U.S. each year. Two million injuries result from car accidents annually. Records indicated 34,436 car […]

Driving High: Are Pot Smokers Causing More Accidents?
As more and more states legalize recreational marijuana, debate rages on about driving high and its effects. Can people drive just as well after smoking pot? Are those who drive high causing accidents? How do police prove a driver was driving high? One insurance research group found that collision claims […]

Head-On Collisions: Is Finding Fault As Easy As It Might Seem?
Head-on collisions top the list of motor vehicle accidents, with a fatality rate second only to intersection accidents. These accidents happen when two or more vehicles’ front ends slam into each other. Either one driver crosses the center of the road and drives into oncoming traffic, or a driver goes […]

Truck Accidents – How to Handle Issues after a Collision
Tractor trailer truck accidents conjure up nightmares for probably every driver. Most drivers proceed with great caution around big rigs hoping to avoid a crash. Any accident brings trauma. But 18-wheelers weigh literally tons, carrying potential danger on a scale unparalleled by other vehicles. Commercial trucking accidents declined for decades. […]

TV Lawyers Dominate the Airwaves: Are they Right For You?
TV lawyers blanket the airwaves. It seems like you can’t watch TV for more than a minute without seeing a pile of lawyer advertising. They pretty much dominate daytime TV with lawyer ads. Not that you don’t see ads for attorneys on prime time television. Daytime TV works out better […]

Buying Car Insurance: The Basics
After a car accident is no time to learn about buying car insurance. But it’s after a car accident that many car owners first learn they don’t have basic adequate car insurance. Buying car insurance sometimes becomes a game of seeing how little one can pay. That might ease the […]

Bad Driving: What America’s Drivers are Doing Behind the Wheel
If you think people’s bad driving habits are getting worse and worse each day, you’re right. All you have to do is drive out on the highway and you see cars all over the road, vehicles changing lanes then back again with no warning. Statistics actually confirm those observations. It’s […]