Author: Andrew Myers

Left Lane Laws: Lane Hogs are Dangerous and Break the Law
Driving too slowly in the left lane of a multilane interstate highway presents a danger to other motorists, causes accidents and violates the law in most states. Many drivers don’t realize that driving too slowly in the far left lane of an interstate violates the law in approximately 38 U.S. states. […]

Internet Hacking: What Happened to the Internet?
Multiple cyberattacks unlike any prior internet hacking took down or stalled major portions of the internet across the United States on Friday October 21, 2016. At 7 am a domain name server in Manchester, New Hampshire was attacked from multiple sources in what cyber experts call a Distributed Denial of […]

Pharmacy Error: When the Prescription is Wrong
Prescriptions are meant to be followed exactly. When pharmacy error happens serious complications can result. Top pharmacy errors include giving the wrong medication and providing incorrect dosage information. Sometimes patients receive someone else’s medication. Occasionally, people suffer negative side effects that they aren’t warned about prior to taking the medication. […]

What is the Electoral College?
Most of us realize that the president of the United States is not elected directly by the voters. Instead, voters select people on their candidate’s side to go to bat for them in what political people call “The Electoral College”. There’s no actual college or campus, the term refers to […]

Ankle Fracture: Causes, Categories and Treatment
An ankle fracture of any kind brings excruciating pain. The ankle transmits all of the weight of the body into the feet, constantly shifting the burden as one walks. So a fractured ankle throws off the entire body, requiring special treatment and often surgery. Symptoms of such fractures include extreme […]

Waterpark Injuries: What Can Happen
When visiting the waterpark, people expect a relaxing fun day in the sun with family and friends. At the same time, waterparks can present risks of their own. The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions, IAAPA, reports that 83 million people visit water parks in the U.S. each year, […]

Drone Rules Adopted by FAA for Commercial Drone Use
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules for commercial drone use went into effect August 29, 2016. The drone rules require drone operators to strictly follow all guidelines spelled out in a 624 page rulebook. The FAA hopes the long anticipated regulations will achieve increased safety for all operators, pilots, and all […]

Sports Injuries: Recovery for Pain & Suffering?
Athletes often consider sports injuries an unfortunate reality. Sports injuries also hit students, runners, people who exercise and even those with generally active lifestyles. Often, those injured in sporting events or organized activities can’t hold anyone liable because injury is a known risk, and also because they may have signed […]

Vaping, E-Cigarettes: Potential Liability
Vape Pens are battery operated nicotine delivery devices that heat “vape juice”, nicotine, and other chemicals producing a heated vapor. Some consider it a good way to quit smoking tobacco. But vaping also brings controversy and potential dangers. There’s a difference between “e cigarettes”, “Advanced Personal Vaporizers”, “Vape Pens” and […]