Tag: Chapter 7

Bankruptcy Questions: What do you need to know?
How do I file for bankruptcy? Bankruptcy facts, not the stuff people say about it, might help people who are struggling financially, and wondering “How can I get myself out of this hole and be able to reclaim my life?” Let’s talk about bankruptcy in a way that’s a little […]

How much debt must you have to file bankruptcy? Is there a debt limit for bankruptcy?
Is there a debt limit for bankruptcy? If I have too much or too little will the law stop me from filing? Debt falls into different categories. Secured debt, unsecured debt and priority debt make up the major types of debt. Unsecured debt includes credit cards, lines of credit, personal […]

The Secret Credit Card Companies Don’t Want You to Know
You’ve probably seen and heard the commercials about “The secret the credit card companies don’t want you to know?” Intriguing isn’t it? If there were some way to snap your fingers and make that credit card debt disappear wouldn’t we all want to try it? The announcer’s confident voice carries […]

Eight Things That Happen After You File Bankruptcy
People facing mounting debt and collections often consider the bankruptcy option but what really happens after you file bankruptcy? You may have read about bankruptcy. You probably weighed the pros and cons. Even if you felt uneasy or even shock about the very idea of a personal bankruptcy filing there’s […]

Bankruptcy Filings: Penney’s, Pandemic & Personal Filings
2020 has been a year marked by trauma, virus, political upheaval and bankruptcy filings. For years the ease of online shopping gained enormous popularity. How easy is it to simply search, click and buy as opposed to getting in the car, fighting traffic and dealing with the hassle of parking, […]

Bankruptcy After Covid-19
In the midst of Covid-19, Congress passed a relief package which included changes to bankruptcy law after Covid-19. Most attention to the federal government’s corona virus bill focused on stimulus payments. People looked for help to those unemployed by the pandemic. Unemployment claims skyrocketed Congressional action gave relief to those […]

Surrendering a Car in Bankruptcy: The Best Option For You?
Surrendering a car in bankruptcy means you give up the car. But, the chapter 7 surrender also means the loan goes away. People often ask me if they can keep their car if they file bankruptcy. And if they have a modest car without a lot of “equity”, the answer […]

5 Top Bankruptcy Facts: Weighing the Reality and the Impact
Bankruptcy facts give us some perspective on what leads up to financial problems and what this legal option involves. Americans love their credit cards. You often can’t check out of a big box store without the cashier … if there is still a cashier … trying to sell you their […]

Homestead Protection: Amounts Covered Vary by State
Think of “homestead” and you might envision a scenic home representing a historical residence or grand family estate. In the legal world, homestead law protects equity in a home from being taken by creditors. Such protections exist in state law. Nearly every U.S. state has its own homestead statute, designed to […]