Tag: motor vehicle accidents

Accidents Don’t “Just Happen”
Accidents happen for a reason. Calling the collision of two cars “just an accident”, or shrugging it off as “not intentional” misses the point of civil liability. Looking down to text, rolling through the light instead of stopping, and tailgating the car in front so closely that it’s impossible to […]

Personal Injury: Personal Jurisdiction Out of State
Granite monuments designate boundaries between states at many spots as a physical reminder of state lines. People cross the lines every day with hardly a thought. But, state lines pose barriers to residents of one state, attempting to bring a resident of another state into the local court. Bringing a […]

HIPAA: Authorizing Release of Medical Records & Personal Injury
Confidentiality exists between you and your medical providers. This prohibits release of medical records without proper authorization. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, usually referred to as “HIPAA”, places certain restrictions upon and guidelines for the release of medical information. Releasing Private Medical Records Under the privilege protecting medical […]

Personal Injury: Expert Testimony
Heavy impact on the human body can fracture bones. This seems obvious. But, in a court of law, cause and effect and the extent of damages must be supported by expert medical testimony. For example, a passenger in a motor vehicle breaks an arm when the driver looks down to change the […]

Never Give “Statements” in Your Injury Case Without An Attorney
After an accident insurance companies want to take statements. It’s how they document claims. You have a duty to cooperate with your own insurance company. And, it’s a good idea to cooperate with the insurance company for the person or company that caused an injury. So, allow the insurance company to look at a car […]

Contingent Fee Agreements
Contingent fee agreements allow those who have sustained an injury to retain an attorney to pursue their case with no initial payment and no monthly legal bills. Instead, the attorney gets a percentage in the end. While there has been some controversy about this arrangement in the past, and some […]

How the Insurance Company Will Minimize Your Injury Claim
Insurance companies are in the financial services business. Contrast this with the ‘do the right thing for the consumer’ business. Investing premiums in real estate and settling injury claims at bargain basement prices are two ways insurers maximize profit and minimize cost. “Delay, deny and defend” are three well documented insurance industry practices aimed […]