Tag: Premises Liability

It can take a long time for an injury claim to crawl through the insurance claims handling process. The maze of the insurance claim handling process frustrates injured people waiting for full fair settlements, but also attorneys wanting a satisfied client and a closed file. Of course, it depends on […]

PERSONAL INJURY: Liability – No “Guilt” or “Innocence”
“Guilt” and “Innocence” exist in criminal law, not civil negligence law. Concepts of guilt or innocence refer only to criminal matters, where an individual faces prosecution by the government at some level. Even in an accident caused, allegedly, by a person running a red light, the light runner is not […]

Initial Consultation: Personal Injury
Initial Consultation with most personal injury attorneys is free. So, optimize this opportunity to make the most of your time. Here’s how: Call ahead. Make an Appointment Some attorneys accept “walk in” clients. But, the more experienced attorney you want to see may or may not be there and you may […]

PERSONAL INJURY: Mediation & Arbitration
One of the more frustrating things about any case is the amount of time it can take. Mediation and arbitration present an efficient and relatively inexpensive way to resolve many civil disputes. Sometimes called ‘alternative dispute resolution’ or ADR, mediation and arbitration can speed things up. Mediation In mediation, […]

PERSONAL INJURY “Eggshell Skull Doctrine”
The “eggshell skull doctrine” is a time-honored legal concept. It explains what happens when a person with a preexisting medical condition is injured in an accident. In an actual case a person suffered a rare genetic condition in which their skull was as thin and brittle as an eggshell. […]

Personal Injury: Statute of Limitations
Bars usually go with criminal law, as in “behind bars”. But, in civil law, statutes of limitation bar cases forever if not filed on time. When the doors slam shut, there’s no going back. The “Statute of Limitations” is a legal deadline requiring a case be filed within a certain time after an event […]

Personal Injury: Personal Jurisdiction Out of State
Granite monuments designate boundaries between states at many spots as a physical reminder of state lines. People cross the lines every day with hardly a thought. But, state lines pose barriers to residents of one state, attempting to bring a resident of another state into the local court. Bringing a […]

Slip and Fall Accidents – Open and shut case?
Slip and fall accidents never present ‘open and shut’ cases. The person injured must have facts that, when applied to premises liability law, show that the owner of the property where the injury occurred either did something they should not have done, or failed to do something that they should […]

What Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?
What is my personal injury case worth? The answer takes in many factors. They include the nature of the injury and how it impacted the life of the injured person. The issue of full fair case evaluation requires thorough review of many factors. What is My Case Worth Factors Some, […]