Author: Andrew Myers

Turn Signals – Why Drivers Neglect Them & How It Causes Accidents
Turn signals are automatic for most drivers. Some drivers automatically activate blinkers before turns. Others automatically ignore turn signals. Everyone knows failing to use turn signals before a lane change or prior to making a turn is wrong. Turn signals make up one of the basic rules new drivers learn […]

Driving With a Loose Dog in the Car
Is it legal to drive with a loose dog in the car? Most dogs love jumping in the car and riding around town with their family. How often do you see a dog with its head hanging out a car window watching the world go by? Or, often we all […]

Driving in the Rain – Highway Dangers
Driving in the rain presents greater danger than driving in wintry snow and ice. That’s right. You know how some people go crazy when the snow flies. Officials warn everyone to stay off the roads due to snow and ice. Grocery stores fill up with shoppers grabbing milk, bread and […]

Medical Bills and How to Handle Them – Insurance Issues
Medical bills are through the roof. Even though we’re all supposed to have health insurance, not everyone does. Even with health insurance, co-pays and deductibles alone often break the bank. Can health care providers send their bills to collection? Are there special rules for bill collectors going after people for […]

ADHD a Risk Factor for New Teen Drivers?
Are teenage drivers with ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder more likely to get into car accidents? Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania placed 60 drivers aged 16 and 17 in a driving simulator to find the answer. All of the teen drivers in the study received driver’s licenses within […]

New Hampshire Car Insurance
New Hampshire stands alone as the only state in the U.S. not requiring car insurance. That’s right, while most states like neighboring Massachusetts mandate auto insurance before you can even register a car, New Hampshire never passed a law making car insurance obligatory. Maybe it’s the “Live Free or Die” […]

Small Cars: Are They Really More Dangerous?
Small cars bring more affordable car payments but are they safer? The laws of physics tell us that when a large object and a small object crash, the larger one sustains less damage. But that scenario fails to tell the whole story. True, numerous traffic studies confirm that SUVs top […]

Event Data Recorders: They’re Watching Your Driving
Event Data Recorders lurk inside up to 90% of all new cars, ready to store data on a crash. You’re cruising along, mind half on the road and half on life events. If you’re like most people, you don’t even know the event data recorder is hard wired under the […]

Worst Traffic in the World: More Headaches More Accidents
You know traffic presents a nightmare. The more traffic the more accidents. But how bad is it? Anyone driving in a city on a regular basis knows that traffic isn’t getting any better. It kills time, drains productivity and causes accidents. Traffic does nothing for mental health. In fact, […]

Insurance Tracking Devices: Do You Want The Insurance Company Watching?
Would you drive more carefully if you knew your car insurance company was watching you? Insurance companies now offer spy devices that monitor driving habits. It can be either a small hard wired device installed in your car or a smartphone app, or a combination of both. It’s called telematics and […]