Tag: serious injuries
Turn Signals – Why Drivers Neglect Them & How It Causes Accidents
Turn signals are automatic for most drivers. Some drivers automatically activate blinkers before turns. Others automatically ignore turn signals. Everyone knows failing to use turn signals before a lane change or prior to making a turn is wrong. Turn signals make up one of the basic rules new drivers learn […]
Small Cars: Are They Really More Dangerous?
Small cars bring more affordable car payments but are they safer? The laws of physics tell us that when a large object and a small object crash, the larger one sustains less damage. But that scenario fails to tell the whole story. True, numerous traffic studies confirm that SUVs top […]
Worst Traffic in the World: More Headaches More Accidents
You know traffic presents a nightmare. The more traffic the more accidents. But how bad is it? Anyone driving in a city on a regular basis knows that traffic isn’t getting any better. It kills time, drains productivity and causes accidents. Traffic does nothing for mental health. In fact, […]
Seatbelts: Why Do We Have to Wear Them?
Seatbelts raise little controversy. Many people buckle-up without thinking much about it. Others wonder why we wear seatbelts, what actual purpose is served and why we don’t have the option to buckle up or not. Such questions present fair and important issues. The answers lie in safety concerns. Extensive research and studies prove […]
Dash Cams: 5 Reasons Dash Cams Are A Good Idea
Dash cams, video cameras mounted just inside a vehicle’s windshield, record the view out front of the vehicle which can save you a lot of trouble should anything happen to you. Some attach to the windshield, others fasten to the dashboard. It’s very important that you find the Best Mirror […]
Aggressive Driving: Avoiding Bad Drivers and
Aggressive driving causes approximately two thirds of all fatalities on U.S. highways. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) research also links a full 94% of motor vehicle accidents to driver error. Motor vehicle accidents rank number one among all accidental deaths in the United States. Highway experts believe many of […]
Defensive Driving: Top 10 Skills for Accident Avoidance
Defensive driving reduces the risk of highway accidents and increases driver safety. A defensive driver follows certain rules and avoids bad driving habits. Defensive driving involves constant awareness of other drivers and their bad habits. Driving defensively can be one of the best ways to prevent accidents. Sometimes hazardous driving […]
Top 5 Reasons For Teen Car Accidents
Teen car accidents kill, on average, approximately 6 teenagers each day in the U.S. That number, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention makes motor vehicle crashes the leading cause of teenage deaths. Overall, more than 30,000 people die in car accidents every year in the U.S. National […]
Teen Drivers: Knowing What to do After a Car Accident
Teen Drivers – those between 16 and 19 – are three times more likely to get involved in a car accident than those 20 or older. One in four teens will be in a collision during their first year of driving. U.S. Department of Transportation Statistics confirm 963 thousand teen […]
Car Accidents: Responsibility Beyond Drivers
Car accidents happen for many reasons. Some dismiss it as “just an accident”. Car accident attorneys often face the challenge of unlocking the story behind the story. Consider the case of two people killed, two others seriously injured in a car accident caused by a driver who had just received […]