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benefits if you drink less

Drink less – Stress Less?

Drink less, stress less? Anyone can drink a lot.  It takes real talent to drink less.  Or not at all. You know what I’m talking about.  Go to a party and the host offers drinks.  You say no and “are you sure?”  “No, really, are you sure?” Teens and college […]

I accept checkbox binding?

Does clicking an “I Agree” checkbox create a binding contract?

When you click an “I Agree” checkbox is it a binding contract? Whether you’re signing up for a new computer app, joining a social media platform or doing almost anything else on the web, it’s likely you can’t get there without passing an “I Agree” or “Confirm” checkbox. Somewhere, whether […]

Dangerous Roads Around the Holidays

Accidents Around the Holidays

Accidents around the holidays bring no joy. Who doesn’t like to celebrate?  Have some fun.  Enjoy the company of friends and family. And yes, enjoy some holiday cheer in the form of an adult beverage? Accidents happen every day of the year. But holidays provide a dangerous combination of heavy […]

rude people - bad drivers

What State has the most Rude People?

Rude People: What state plays home to the rudest people in America and why are they so rude? Whether driving in traffic and someone cuts you off, or simply shopping at the grocery store and someone pushes in front of you, rude people darken our existence everywhere. A group called […]

Driver Negligence

Driver Negligence – The Cause of Car Accidents – What Damages?

Driver negligence happens every day. You see it when people cut you off. You see bad drivers when they run lights and stop signs. It’s hardly breaking news. When someone else drives recklessly, fails to exercise caution or simply does not pay attention you find yourself through no fault of […]

Bad Drivers, Massachusetts

Bad Drivers: The Worst States, The Worst Habits

Bad drivers clog the highways everywhere. Three states topping the national list of awful drivers with bad records exist in New England. Step aside, New York. Three New England states fill out the top five slots in a nationwide ranking of states with bad drivers. In a study updated in […]

The Dark Side of Insurance

The Dark Side of Insurance

Deep down in the dark side of insurance lurks a story about one major insurance company. First of all, it defied court orders for 10 years refusing to disclose details on how it handles claims. Held in contempt of court, Allstate fought court orders requiring disclosure of their relationship with […]

People don't know how to drive in a rotary

How To Drive in a Rotary

Crazy as it sounds, lots of people don’t know how to drive in a rotary. Common sense and experience tell us to yield to traffic already in the rotary, wait for a safe opening and then proceed. Simple, right? It’s not a game of chicken. Unfortunately rotaries provoke heated controversy.  […]

Fatal Accident Statistics

Less Traffic – More Fatal Accidents

With less traffic on the roads, more fatal accidents? What? When traffic volume goes down on the roads, you’d think the number of car accidents would also go down. Unfortunately, that common-sense thought proved wrong. While the amount of traffic went down due to “stay-at-home” orders during the height of […]

Courts After Covid-19

U.S. Legal System After Covid-19

The U.S. legal system after Covid-19 may or may not look like it did before the pandemic. What changes will people in need of legal services see after the shut-down? The “new normal” for the legal system may bring fundamental change. Then again, after unprecedented shut-down measures, long range permanent […]

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Attorney Myers is a member of the American Trial Lawyers Association, Massachusetts Academy of Trial Lawyers, and New Hampshire Trial Lawyers Association. The Law Offices of Andrew D. Myers offer a broad range of legal services in personal injury cases in Massachusetts (MA) and New Hampshire (NH) areas.

The information on this web site is offered for informational purposes only. It is not offered as, and does not constitute, legal advice. Laws vary widely from state to state. You should rely only on the advice given to you during a personal consultation by a local attorney who is thoroughly familiar with state laws and the area of practice in which your concern lies. This web site must be labeled advertisement in some jurisdictions.