Legal Questions

Self-Driving Cars: Will They Replace Humans Behind the Wheel?
When self-driving cars or autonomous cars are accepted everywhere, will the government ever ban human driven cars? Let’s look at what’s behind the push for self-driving cars, also called “autonomous cars”. We all know computer people want to take over the world. In stores, self-checkouts now slowly overtake the function […]

Jessica’s Law: Dangers from Snow & Ice Buildup on Vehicles
Do New Hampshire police really stop drivers who don’t clear snow off the roof of their cars? During one snowstorm in November, 2018 New Hampshire Police handed out 56 traffic tickets to drivers failing to clear snow off their vehicles. On January 31, 2019, news reports indicate New Hampshire State […]

Older Drivers: Should Their Licenses Be Taken Away?
Do you think that older drivers should have their driver’s licenses taken away at a certain age? Taking car keys away from an older driver presents a nearly unthinkable task. First of all it would be the rare senior voluntarily surrendering the car keys. Car keys don’t simply start the […]

Voting Day Cancelled in Some NH Towns: What Does The Law Say?
Voting day cancelled in New Hampshire? A number of towns across the state of New Hampshire postponed local elections in the face of a major snowstorm. State law establishes local elections on the second Tuesday of March, or in 2017, March 14. As weather forecasters predicted a Nor’easter, local election […]

Internet Hacking: What Happened to the Internet?
Multiple cyberattacks unlike any prior internet hacking took down or stalled major portions of the internet across the United States on Friday October 21, 2016. At 7 am a domain name server in Manchester, New Hampshire was attacked from multiple sources in what cyber experts call a Distributed Denial of […]

What is the Electoral College?
Most of us realize that the president of the United States is not elected directly by the voters. Instead, voters select people on their candidate’s side to go to bat for them in what political people call “The Electoral College”. There’s no actual college or campus, the term refers to […]

Drone Regulations Now Require Private Drone Registration
Drone regulations now require private drone owners to register the devices. Drone owners who previously operated “UAVs” or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles of anywhere from 0.55 pounds to 55 pounds were given until February 20, 2016 to register. Those who bought drones after December 21, 2015 face mandatory registration before flying […]

200 Legal Blog Articles: Personal Injury, Bankruptcy & More
When we hit the benchmark of our first 200 legal blog articles at the Law Offices of Andrew D. Myers, we indexed them. Blogging presents everyone with the opportunity to become part of the internet. Here, though, we focus on the areas of the law that we practice, we know […]

Drone Regulations Proposed
Drone regulations proposed by the Federal Aviation Administration now await public comment. This post has been updated. In 2016 the FAA issued sweeping new guidelines for commercial drone use, summarized here. Those changes followed 2015 FAA rules requiring registration of private drones. Click here for update. However this earlier article […]

Can You Sue a City or Town for Failing to Remove Snow Properly?
Can I sue the city or town for failing to remove enough snow? I got into an accident because the road was still icy. You “can” sue but the case has a snowball’s chance in you know where. Why? In the early days of U.S. legal history “sovereign immunity” literally meant […]